
The documents are arranged in the following standard order:

ORGANIZATION AND ADMINISTRATION (administrative situation, political charges, ousting of the Fascists, etc.)
PUBLIC WORKS (water, electricity, etc.)
AGRICULTURE – ECONOMICS AND SUPPLIES (data on harvesting and on food supplies, etc.)
PUBLIC FINANCE (banks, public financial situation, post offices, etc.)
LAW AND ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE (opening of the Italian Courts of Justice, the state of Justice, quantitative data, etc.)
TRANSPORTATION (state of transportation and communications, quantitative data on the fleets available, etc.)
GENERAL WELFARE, MEDICAL AND REFUGEES (Fight against epidemics, health of the refugees, data on general health, etc.)

For a more detailed description of the function of the Monthly Reports and of the context in which these were drawn up, please refer to pages 261-262 of the book written by R. Absalom “Perugia Liberata”.


  1. The June 1945 Monthly Report was not found among the hardcopy documents present at the Foundation. However, it is found among the electronic files (please refer to the MONTHLY REPORTS subfolder, in the ALLIED PAPERS folder).
  2. The August 1944 and April 1945 Monthly Reports were not found by Roger Absalom in the archives in Washington and London (please refer to “Perugia Liberata” pg. 262).

Library-archives > The Allies (1943-1945) > Monthly Reports > Caption