December 1944

RG331/10504/128/1 Vol 1 of 2 Correspondence file July 1944-April 1945





PERUGIA 2 Jan 45
SUBJECT: Monthly Report – December 1944
TO: Lazio-Umbria Region
Attn. Executive Officer

A) Political Reactions: The governmental crisis, and the departure from the government of three of the parties, appear to have had little effect in this province and have not affected the relationship between the Provincial Administration and the Committee of Liberation, which continues to be excellent.
Popular opinion continues to be preoccupied with economic questions, such as the absence of salt, clothing, boots, shoes, and continual increases in the cost of living and it is considered that public opinion should receive more explanation and education, as the masses do not understand fully the responsibility of the Germans for this situation.
B) The Local Government Career Vice-Prefect reported for duty.
C) Economics and Supply: The only AMG commodities (aside from salt, below mentioned) received this month were 300 qtls of soap and 485 qtls of dried vegetables.
Salt: 1135 qtls were issued for pig slaughtering and 100 qtls for Tomato Paste. No issue was made for the civilian ration. 100 tons of salt has now been received from Civitavecchia, (on Dec 30th) but even with this receipt, only 75% of the population can receive the ration due December, and we are still short of` half the amount needed for pig slaughtering. In these circumstances it is considered regrettable that the proposed barter of tobacco surplus in this province for salt from Rome was vetoed by Economics and Supply Division.
Pasta: Orders have been issued for the reduction in the ration to 600 grammes, but a request has been made to Regional HQ for a reconsideration of this matter.
Industry: Due to the cutting of electricity practically all industrial activity in the province ceased.
The situation has been rectified and the program of industrial reactivation is growing to such proportions that the provision of an officer to concentrate on industry alone would be most welcome.
D) Agriculture: Amassing of the olive crop is going well and all mills are now working at full pressure. Generally the mill owners and farmers are satisfied with the price.
The oil is of very high quality and it is expected that the target figure of 22.000 qtls will be amassed.
8000 qtls have been pressed and 3000 qtls have been amassed.
18.275 tons of wheat have been exported to Rome.
4161 pigs and 105 cattle have been exported.
A satisfactory arrangement for the supply of meat to Rome hospitals has been made and the first shipment left on Dec 23rd.
E) Labor: A conference was held with DDL 1 District to smooth out difficulties about wages paid to civilians and paid by the Army and DDL agreed to recommend to the District Commander to put into operation part of the permitted increase laid down in Adm. Memo 48 if he was satisfied that the civilian wages paid operated disadvantageously to any procurement of labour.
F) Public Works and Utilities:
BRIDGES: 53 completed, 104 under construction. Cost of work on hand 130.000.000 lire.
AQUEDUCTS: BAGNARA and SCIRCA 95% completed. 12 other aqueducts 40% progress.
ROADS: 380 miles of military roads at a cost of 35.000.000 lire and 160 kilometers at a cost of 11.000.000 lire under repair.
G) Public Safety and Functioning of Courts: The situation is normal and the thirty blocks set up in the province are functioning well.
The outbreak in Spoleto jail by the prisoners transferred from Rome was put under control and subsequent investigation showed no legitimate grievance to exist.
The esprit de corps and the discipline of the CC.RR shows considerable improvement.
225 cases were tried in AMG Courts, more that 50 % of which were Curfew and Pass violations. The Court of Assise opened on Dec 15th.
H) Public Health Good.
I) Education: The university was officially opened on Dec 10th.
J) Refugees: Situation normal. Transfer of refugees to the south continued.
K) Communications:
Post: Postal service was resumed in the province on Dec 18th and the telegraphic service on Dec 21st.
Telephone: Maj. Hills A.C. is engaged in reactivating telephone service for the province of Perugia only.
L) Property Control: With a few exceptions all accounts of Allied nationals were unblocked.
M) Finance: Savings continue to increase. Supplies of currency are ample. At Nov 30th notes held by the Bank amounted to 57.000.000 lire of which 11.000.00 lire were AMG lire.
Only 32 out of 59 Communes presented their budgets form for quarter October-December.
AMG expenses for December were 1.488.420 lire.
Post Offices: 398 post offices received advances amounting to lire 29.948.950. Payments for the same period made by 31 local officers amounted to 6.974.520 lire.
N) Transport:
Headquarters Civilian Requisitioned Vehicles:- Difficulty is being experienced in obtaining tyres for these vehicles. Further requisitioning within the Province will have to be effected to remedy the situation.
Civilian Cars: The R.A.C. I. office is functioning well. New circulation permits are being issued for the period 1st January to 30 April 1945. Extensive combing and checking of permits is being effected. Demands are being received for tyres for vehicles used by Civilian Provincial Officials and organisations.
Recovery Commission: Difficulty is being experienced with private firms coming into the province with letters from Su-Commissions of AC in Rome authorising them to take trucks, spare parts, etc. out of the Province. These private firms operate in many cases without first contacting this HQ.
Provincial Truck Pool: is being reorganised on the lines of the ENAC system. New personnel will be introduced and changes made in administration.

I.F. Belser Col. F.A.
Provincial Commissioner
Perugia Province

Library-archives > The Allies (1943-1945) > Monthly Reports > December 1944