RG331 10504/128/2 Correspondence Files Vol 2 of 2 Aug 1944-Dec 1944



31 July 1944
SUBJECT: Monthly Report for Province of Perugia
TO: A.M.G. 8th Army

l. Herewith report for month of July 1944.
2. General: Conditions in the province of Perugia have become more normal throughout the month. A brief report as to each of the Provincial (A.M.G.) Administrative Divisions follows:
Organisation and Administration: Vice Prefect PEANO has been appointed Prefetto Reggente and two Vice-Prefects and two members of the Provincial Advisory Council have been appointed. New sindaci have been appointed in all Communes, Provincial Officers have been located in PERUGIA, SPOLETO, FOLIGNO, UMBERTIDE and CITTÀ DELLA PIEVE. They make personal contact at least once weekly with every Commune. Defasciatization is proceeding, in accordance with 8th Army Directive. To date 215 Fascist officials have been dismissed from office; 121 fled before Allied occupation.
Public Safety: 731 carabinieri and 263 other police officers are on duty in the Province. Lt. Col. GUERIZIO, an able and energetic Anti-Fascist, has been appointed Questore. Crime conditions are reported to be extremely satisfactory.
Public works: Water and electricity (on a rationed basis)have been restored in the larger towns, including PERUGIA., TODI, MARSCIANO, ASSISI and SPOLETO. Also 59 mills have electric service. Debris is being cleared throughout the Province and, . plans are being made for restoration of roads and bridges.
Agriculture Economics and Supplies Harvesting of grain is at least 95% finished. Threshing began on July 6. Grain threshed up to July 31: 600.000 qtls, estimated total production is: 1.830.000 qtls. of which 850.000 qtls. should go to the People’s Granary. Estimated fuel needed for threshing: 7380 qtls, (189.800 gals.). If fuel is provided threshing should be completed by August 15. Gasoline supplied to date (by 8th Amy or A.C.C.): 384 qtls. (10.000 gals.).
Maximum price lists have been fixed and published throughout the Province. An Economic and Supply motor pool has been set, up with adequate transportation. The distribution of, rations is proceeding normally. Supplementary rations have been issued to heavy workers.
A survey has been made of all industries in the Province and plans are being made for their reorganisation. There are (among others) 8 lignite coal mines (capacity 3445 tons daily), 14 brick factories (Capacity 287.000 daily) and 6 lime and cement factories (capacity 2.864 tons daily) and one glass factory.
Public Finance Banks and financial services of Post Offices are in operation throughout the Province, including GUBBiO, and CITTÀ DI CASTELLO. Reported assets of all banks as of June 19, 1944 were 981.111.000 lire, surplus, 739.000 lire. Total public receipts in the Province (June 20 July 31) were 250.446.905 lire; expenses, 266,162.480 lire, deficit 15,716.005 lire, No funds have so far been advanced by A.M.G. of the Province. Tax collection is proceeding normally.
Law and administration of Justice 172 cases of minor nature were heard in the Province. Italian courts have been reopened.
Transportation The Province has organized a motor pool and found sufficient transportation (approximately 75 vehicles) for all Provincial needs.
General Welfare Gen. PAOLETTI, a retired medical officer of high standing, has been appointed Director of Genera Welfare, with rank of Vice-Prefect. Committees are being set up in every Commune to supervise the welfare of Refugees. General health of the Province is good. No diseases of epidemic proportions.
The masses of the people seem very poor but very courteous and fairly contented.


Biblioteca-Archivi > Gli Alleati (1943-1945) > Monthly reports > LUGLIO 1944