Alberto Bustos

He graduated in Music Composition at the National University of Cordoba (Argentina) and attended postgraduate courses in chorus direction and music composition. He founded and directed choruses for adults and children in Cordoba.

After moving to Italy (in Rome) in 1987, he taught Music in Kindergartens, primary and secondary schools.

In Perugia he taught classical guitar and preparatory music classes and founded the chorus “Voci dal Mondo” (“Voices from the World”) that has a repertory of ethnical, folk and pop music. The chorus performed in Europe and South America and also edited a CD. Alberto Bustos also founded the chorus of the music school “Colli del Tezio di San Marco” and he was nominated chorus director and consultant to the orchestra of the high school Ugo Foscolo’s orchestra.

He organized concerts in Perugia, Milan, Germany, France and Scotland

He collaborated with the University of Bari in the direction of concerts with Latin American repertory and organized tours in Greece and Germany. In 2008 he was nominated director of the chorus of the Università per Stranieri (University for Foreigners) of Perugia, a position which he still fills.

As a composer he has written chamber music, music for solo instruments, arrangements for choruses and instrumental groups, soundtracks (among them the soundtrack of the film on the arrival of the Allies in Umbria).

He attended training classes on Fire and Accident Prevention.

He has cooperated with the Foundation for the archiving and arrangement of musical archive.

Foundation > Getting to know us > Alberto Bustos