Mission Statement

The Fondazione Ranieri di Sorbello is entrusted with the care of the Ranieri di Sorbello Library and family papers and with the art collections belonging to the Ranieri di Sorbello family, including prints, drawings, porcelains, silverware, embroidered textiles, pictures, furniture and small objects. The Foundation’s activities are carried out within the Ranieri Sorbello palace in Perugia.
The Foundation’s mission is to promote the study and understanding of the life and work of Uguccione Ranieri di Sorbello, scholar, writer and international civil servant (1906-1969). To this purpose it will organise and render accessible the archives of Uguccione Ranieri di Sorbello, promote scholarly research, and publish and disseminate his writings. It may also pursue and encourage research in areas closely connected to the work of Uguccione Ranieri di Sorbello, including local history, the history of the Ranieri di Sorbello family, ties between Italy and the United States, the development of European integration, and of modern literary, artistic, and cultural life.
The aim of the Foundation is to preserve and update the holdings of the Library, including the acquisition of documents and books of related interest. Its purpose is to make the Library accessible to scholars from around the world. To that end the Foundation will catalogue and publicize the contents of its holdings, maintain a liberal policy of access for qualified members of the public to its holdings, encourage related research by establishing links with academic and cultural institutions both in Italy and abroad and by organising cultural events, such as conferences and meetings. The Foundation may award grants to enable a visiting scholar to complete a research project or to assist in the publication and dissemination of scholarly papers based in whole or in part on research done in the Library.
The Foundation will maintain the art collections and make them accessible to scholars from around the World. It will pursue the preservation, conservation, cataloguing and dissemination of information concerning the various components of the art collection belonging to the Ranieri di Sorbello family. It may also acquire additional items previously belonging to the same collections or closely related to them and to the Ranieri di Sorbello palace. It may organise exhibitions, both permanent and temporary, publish catalogues, and contribute to exhibits of other institutions both in Italy and abroad.

Foundation > Family history > Mission Statement